Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Annual Report

The Director, Editorial Board and staff of the Journal Wunelle held their annual meeting yesterday in Minneapolis. The meeting was held at a Davanni's pizza restaurant near the University of Minnesota campus.

Almost no Journal business was discussed and lunch was enjoyed by all present. We did take note of how we do appreciate the continued patronage of our many readers.

We ought to put on seminars for how to conduct business meetings.


wstachour said...

I'll be submitting my bloated expense report very soon.

How soon can I begin exercising my stock options?

Lucy said...

What, no mention of scotch, cigars, and strippers? Pshaw. You know nothing about business.

wstachour said...

Given the success of this enterprise, I must concede your point!


Anonymous said...

Aargh, I missed the memo!